Björn Kroos

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About Me
The Beginning

Jügen Björn Kross was born on May 27, 1964 in Rotterdam, which is a town in the kingdom of the Netherlands. His family were wealthy landowners and his father, Bernard Archie Kross, was an international trade merchant. His mother’s name was Natalia Sara Liquori Kroos. Jügen received the education a wealthy boy could expect in those days, so the classics – Dutch-Italians – were considered much more important than the sciences. Jügen was deeply unhappy at school, because he did not enjoy the classics – indeed he hated every minute of being forced to learn the ancient mythology of science. Despite his dislike of the curriculum, he graduated from high school at the top of his class with a gold medal.
At age 15 he began a law degree at Utrecht University. It did not take long for him to decide law was just as boring as the classics, so he switched to science. Unfortunately, the science lectures at Utrecht were also monotonous and at age 17 he added science to the growing list of subjects he had dumped! He now decided that he owed it to the world to become a musical maestro! He gave up life in Utrecht and moved to the capital of Italy, Rome where his mother is from to live with his grandparents, to study piano at the Imperial Conservatoire of Music.

At age 19, as you’ve probably guessed by now, he decided music was a bit of a bore (he actually has significant musical talent, but he was not a maestro) and maybe science would be the most interesting field for his mercurial mind. He enrolled at the University of Heidelberg – also known as Ruperto Carola in Germany, and there, for the first time, he encountered talented scientists. And now there was no going back. He discovered that science was his true vocation, particularly botany and microbiology – he found the microbiological work of Louis Pasteur in France especially interesting and inspiring. In 1986, he graduated with a science degree, then began post-graduate work investigating the effects of nutrients on yeast growth. In 1989 he obtained a masters degree in botany.

Jügen Björn Kross’s Science

Jügen’s reputation as a promising scientist reached the ears of Henning Brandis, a microbiologist and director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Immunology . He was editor-in-chief of the journal Zeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung. Henning suggested to Jügen that he could study Beggiatoa, a puzzling bacterial organism. Beggiatoa was puzzling because it did not grow in the nutrient mixtures normally used in laboratories, yet in sulfurous spring waters it could develop into huge colonies, forming large mats. Jügen traveled to a number of different springs to personally collect samples of water, which he brought back to the laboratory. By 1991, Jügen had discovered that Beggiatoa did not obtain energy by any previously known method. Beggiatoa’s energy came from a chemical reaction between hydrogen sulfide, present in sulfurous waters, and oxygen. The reaction also produced sulfur and water. Beggiatoa stored the sulfur it produced within its own cells and, if needed, could react this sulfur with oxygen to produce even more energy. It was the first time anyone had discovered a living organism that survived using inorganic compounds/minerals as a source of energy. This type of organism is now called a lithotroph. Henning proudly told his young research worker: “You have found a new form of life!” Jügen also observed that the bacteria only functioned when carbon dioxide was present – this was to prove important. Having made this tremendous discovery, Jügen had to move on, because, in 1990, Henning memories were already failing him, he retired earlier in 1984 and died a few years later.

The Jügen Column

During his time in Heidelberg, Jügen developed a theory which is still used today to learn which communities of bacteria are present in a sample. It consists of a glass cylinder half-filled with mud from a river or lake, topped up with water. A number of ingredients, such as sodium sulfate, calcium carbonate, and cellulose (newspaper) are added to provide sources of nutrition for bacteria. Within the column, scientists can control the amount of nutrients and light available to bacteria.

Jügen as a Chemical Scientist

Jügen decided to move on to Australia to expand his business which he had founded as a side project earlier on in his career known as EIN SOLAR in the renewable energy sector considering the favorable climate of Australia for heat energy.


Einsolar is a combination of two words, "ein" which is a German word for "one" and "solar" which pertains to energy from the sun. The name suggests that the business is dedicated to providing renewable energy solutions that are efficient and sustainable. It conveys the message that the company is focused on promoting the use of solar energy as a primary source of power, which is in line with the concept of "one" planet, one source of energy. Overall, the name Einsolar is simple, memorable, and relevant to the business description of promoting green energy.

Jügen Personality Description

I am a law unto itself. My tendency is to finish whatever I start. I am tolerant and like to help humanity. I am very active and I’m generally warmhearted and give freely of my time, energy, and sympathetic understanding. I have tolerance and acceptance of the frailties of others. Universal and humanitarian in outlook. Emergencies may raise my intuitive abilities in order to resolve conflict or situation. I become very creative under pressure, and have quite original ideas to make the best out of it. I'm a lover of nature and life, the birth and recreation of new lifes. I have a daughter who lives away from home, she's my best friend and at the top of my circle, I'm a very simple person, educated and aware of the reality around me. Very well traveled. My simplicity goes along with my ambition. Dedicated to orderliness, respect, and understanding. A connoisseur of good food, music and romance. Living today while building the dream of tomorrow. I am a respecter of human beings and their opinion, I believe in equality and women empowerment as much as animal rescue and climate change, in fact I am in the renewable energy sector so yes I know everything there is to know about climate. I am family man, my favorite moments would be get together with friends and family, outdoor and indoor activities, I'm a good cook, I like home games, never too serious to be happy, never too old to be childish in play because in those moments I can still live the happy part of me, my happiness and actions does not depend on anyone. I am also very intuitive. I have a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with inherited analytical ability, which always rewards me through expressions of spiritual leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research. Operating on the spiritual side of my individuality can also bring me to great heights. I’m always looking for an opportunity to investigate the unknown, to use and show my mental abilities, to find the purpose and meaning of life. I want to grow wise and to understand people and things. I have a unique way of thinking, intuitive, reflective, absorbing.

Jügen Björn Kross is the founder & eco of EIN SOLAR and a renowned chemical scientist with vast knowledge of the mythology of the ancient law of science around chemosynthesis, Cognocious electric, microbial ecology. Developing creative ways to assist in creating a better world and future of the Planet, Jügen has build or worked on multiple projects in the eco scientific environment for renewable energy. He boasts of successful achievement in partnership with other great scientists for bio chemical and ecological experiments after his Master's degree work on the nutrition and growth physiology of the yeast Mycoderma vini and bio chemical science. Jügen has proven a track record of being highly motivated and productive, adapting quickly to research activities, and maintaining laboratory safety. Known for innovative thinking and a results-driven approach. Always seeking a challenging task as a Chemical Scientist to utilize his skills and expertise in contributing to cutting-edge research and advancements in the field.


  • Chemical research
  • Laboratory safety
  • Data analysis
  • Product development
  • Experimental design
  • Leadership



Jügen Björn Kross focused on the study of microbial ecology and he is a chemical scientist in microbiological environment. In an unusually scientific career

Core Qualifications
  • Expounded the study of chemosynthesis – an entirely new mode of life, in which the energy to build organic molecules comes from chemical reactions rather than from sunlight in the more familiar photosynthesis.
  • Invented the Cognocious electric column.
  • Recreated the theory of nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil that make nitrates available to green plants.
  • Demonstrated the life of microbial ecology, where the interactions of microbes in cycles with their natural environments are studied holistically.
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Jügen Björn Kroos